Knowledge Of Maa ChinnaMasta Is The Rare And Best Kept Ancient Secret – Maa ChinnaMasta Grants Health and Financial Blessings

For the first time, the texts from ancient india, including the entire section from “ChinnaMasta Tantra” in the sakya pramada, the buddhist “ChinnaMunda VajraVarahi Sadhana” and the “TrikayaVajraYoginiStuti” are translated into english by elisabeth anne benard in the book “ChinnaMasta: The Aweful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess: v. 22”. The earliest existing texts date from the ninth and tenth centuries. This is a period when ancient india and buddhist tantras were co-developing in the same region.

Since the worship Of The Divine Mother In The Form Of Maa ChinnaMasta was rare, Texts were not made popular or fashionable. By studying such texts About Maa ChinnaMasta, one can understand the interconnections of a general tantric tradition and the exclusive ancient india and buddhist tantric tradition.

Maa ChinnaMasta Is Known To Give immediate results And Bless the devotees with children, Guide them to get rid of events causing pain, And Help Overcome the lack of material benefits due to financial problems.

It is believed that after having perfected sadhana or meditation On Maa ChinnaMasta, the results are instantly realized and the sadhak (one who follows a particular way of life designed to realize the goal of one’s ultimate ideal) gets all Ashta Siddhis (8 Divine Powers).

Evoking “sadhana” or meditation On Maa ChinnaMasta, which are also known to be ego-dissolving spiritual practices, have innumerable advantages for all round financial prosperity, stability, long life, knowledge, satisfaction, victory, health, and wealth.

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