Maa ChinnaMasta Guides sincere seekers Towards The Divine

Maa ChinnaMasta’s Image Represents The Most Energic Form Of Manifestation, Strongly Branding Into us the power of transformation.

As human beings, we experience only A Small Fraction Of The Infinite Divine Light.

Even This Very Small Fragment we experience, is most of the times distorted by our limited capacities of perception. Therefore, the pleasure perceived by our bodily senses is most of the times superseded by pain and sufferings.

As the seekers feel incarcerated in the prison of the physical bodily senses, The Divine Mother, Maa ChinnaMasta Appears As The Saviour From the slavery of the gross matter.

From the ecstasy of happiness where She Resides Eternal, Maa ChinnaMasta Drinks All The Blood Which here Expresses the joy and pain, the sufferings and hopes of the earthly life.

She Absorbs And Sublimates the limited and fragmented experience of a human being. She Transforms our ephemeral and illusory experience Into The Immutable And Eternal Nature Of The Divine.

To the sincere and humbled seeker, Maa ChinnaMasta Can Give This Blessing Of deep inner transformation.

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