Maa ChinnaMasta Liberates the devotees From the slavery of the gross matter
A Particularly Striking Feature of the iconography Of Maa ChinnaMasta Is Her Standing On the copulating couple kama and rati, who are usually shown lying
A Particularly Striking Feature of the iconography Of Maa ChinnaMasta Is Her Standing On the copulating couple kama and rati, who are usually shown lying
The Depiction Of Maa ChinnaMasta Severing Her Head, Symbolises the transcendence of the individual self. She Guides the devotee Towards the realisation that when the
The Creative Power Of Divine Consciousness By Which the universe becomes manifest Is Symbolised By The Garland of skulls That Maa ChinnaMasta Is Depicted Wearing.
Maa ChinnaMasta Is Depicted With A Severed Head, Feeding On The Entire Body. This Symbolises The Power Of Destruction And Transformation Of the manifested
Through The Depiction Of Her Dishevelled Hair And Nudity, Maa ChinnaMasta Symbolizes The Abandonment Of the constructs of societal values. In many societies, there is